Who Am I?
In a world where technology and the relentless monotony of daily life often overshadow the pursuit of a full and meaningful life, resides a special group of individuals determined to preserve the essence of life's true meaning. Hello, I'm Aden Rella, a sophomore at the Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science (MATES) who aspires to enjoy the big, and small parts of life. When I'm not immersed in my studies, you can find me running, in the pool swimming, or hitting up the surf after a long day to clear my head.
My Impossible List
This is my impossible list. I recently came across the idea of the impossible list from the creator of it, Joel Runyon. He describes the impossible list as a challenge not a bucket list. I intend to take on this challenge throughout all walks of life. The impossible list is meant to make you take action towards your goals in life. It is meant to be ever evolving so, as you cross off one of your goals you make one that is even more challenging to take it's place. I am showing everyone my impossible list so that everyone that sees this can see my progression through my goals of life and also to hold myself up to these challenges I've set. A normal bucket list is meant to show goals of things before you die, an impossible list is focused on how you live life to its fullest.
"In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd." -Miguel de Cervantes
Run a 5k(9/23/22)- Run a 10k
Sub 5:30 mile(Spring 2023)- Sub 5 minute mile
- Sub 17 5K
- Sub 6:00 500 freestyle
Do a Spartan Race(6/11/22)- Obtain a Spartan Trifecta
- Do a Triathlon
- Do a Half-Ironman
- Run a Duathlon
- Do a GORUCK challenge
- Run a Half Marathon
- Go Bikepacking
- Hike the Appalachian Trail
- Race in Penn Relays
Make Varsity on 1 sport(Swimming 2/28/23)- Become a 3 Sport Varsity Athlete
Licenses & Certifications
Boat LicenseCPR Certification- Drivers License
- Pilots License
- Helicopter License
- SCUBA Certification
- EMT Certification
- ALS Paramedic Certification
- Solo Skydiving Certification
- Fishing License
- Captains License
- Motorcycle License
- Forklift License
- Welding Certification
- Surf Instructor License
Belay Certification- Do a Tedx Talk
- Save a Life
- Buy my First House
- Own Three Pieces of Land in Different Places
- Build my own Custom House
- Own a car
- Attend the olymipics
- Attend Sea Hear Now
- Go Skydiving
- Go Bungee Jumping
- Break a World Record
- Climb a Mountain
- Go on TV
- Go Scuba Diving
- Visit All 50 States (Currently 41/50)
- Visit All 7 Continents
- Visit 10 Countries
- Go to Whistler Bike Park
- Visit Bentonville
- Graduate MATES
- Go to a Top College
- Unweighted GPA > 95
- Learn Python
- Learn HTML
- Learn CSS
- Learn C++
- Learn to Belay
- Become a Capable Car Mechanic
- Become a Better Snowboarder
- Take an Evasive Driving Class
- Turn a Gas Car to Electric
- Rebuild a Car
- Learn to fly a Helicopter
- Learn to Overland
- Learn to boulder
- English
- Spanish
- American Sign Language